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August 2023 Military Families MagazineMilitary Families Magazine Special Issue 2023August 2022 Military Families Magazine Cover (Photo of Caliber Home Loans Military Spouse Council)September/October 2021 Reserve and National Guard Magazine Cover for the 20th Anniversary of 9/11May-June 2021 Reserve and National Guard Magazine CoverJune 2020 Military Spouse Magazine CoverNitro Creamery

"Let Us Put You On The Cover Of A Magazine!": We help purpose-driven organizations and individuals transform their view of their work so that they can be emboldened and inspired with visual reminders of their impact. Currently, we provide commercial clients and high profile individuals in the Washington, D.C. area portraiture (including headshots and group photos) and branding photography that feature their products, services and events. 

Trish Alegre-Smith is an Air Force veteran and military spouse and is honored to work with organizations and companies that celebrate and support those who serve:

Photography by Trish Alegre-Smith: Logos &emdash; logo_MilitaryFamiliesMagazine Photography by Trish Alegre-Smith: Logos &emdash; logo_militaryinfluencer Photography by Trish Alegre-Smith: Logos &emdash; logo_milspousenetwork Photography by Trish Alegre-Smith: Logos &emdash; logo_reserveandnationalguard Photography by Trish Alegre-Smith: Logos &emdash; logo_unitedthroughreading Photography by Trish Alegre-Smith: Logos &emdash; logo_theYarmedforces