My Home-Based Business Away From Home

January 26, 2015  •  1 Comment

Like many photographers and small business owners I work from home. This choice keeps my overhead small and requires little investment--a plus since we're still at that point in our lives where we spend only two years in any one location.

This choice has not been an easy one while being assigned with my husband in Europe. The agreement with our host nation that allows me to live and continue to operate my business over here has a number of unique requirements (see the attached graphic).

I have always preferred (as well as most of my clients) shooting on-location. My current restrictions just make this a non-negotiable requirement for operating my business. I've also pursued a lot more freelance work than I expected.

Despite the challenges and restrictions I still think of myself as fortunate that I'm still working. The ability of a military spouse to run a business overseas is determined by both the host nation and the local installation. It took almost 12 weeks but I jumped for joy when I finally got my letter from our base that my license to operate as a Home Based Business was approved. There are locations overseas where this isn't an option at all.

So I have no excuses for keeping on track with my second main goal for 2015--bookings!

Are you also an American operating a home-based business overseas? What are some of your unique challenges that you've had? Please post in the comments below.


Liked your style of writing and your blog is very beautifully done. Keep up the good work.
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